Adoptable cats are at The Cat Box Adoption Center, 3015 46th Ave. N., St. Petersburg FL 33714. Adoptable dogs, donation drop off, and intake, foster, medical and TNVR programs are located at 2911 47th Ave. N., St. Petersburg FL 33714.

Jurassic Bark was an epic success!

Friday, October 28, 2022

After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, we were finally able to gather once again and host our gala, Wags & Whiskers: Jurassic Bark. 

After a fantastic evening of T-Rex costumes, safari-chic outfits, and of course, fun, we’re excited to announce that our 2022 gala was a huge success!

We've tallied the numbers: our gala raised just over $109,000 for Friends of Strays! The gala is our largest fundraiser and directly supports our operations all year long. Everyone who donated to our event is helping us save more lives through our programs and services.

We are so grateful for this outpouring of support – and for having such a great night with all of you! We have uploaded an album of photos to Facebook and Flickr so you can reminisce on this “t-rific” event.

We would like to extend another thank you to all of our sponsors, our silent auction donors, our community business partners, our incredible event vendors, and our volunteers who spent their Saturday night helping us pull off this success!
