Pawlentine's Drive-Through Pet Food Giveaway

Friends of Strays will host a free drive-through pet food giveaway Saturday, Feb. 15, from 9-10 a.m. or while supplies last. The drive through will be at 3055 46th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33714, which will be our future Milkey Bone Dog House dog adoption center (and next door to The Cat Box)!
*No registration required. This event is available to the public on a first come, first serve basis.*
• Limit 2 bundles per household (cat & dog available)
• Bundles will include food and a toy
• Supplies are limited and we may run out of some items before others.
• Volunteers will be present to direct traffic.
• Attendees will remain in their vehicles as they drive through to receive their bundles!
If you would like to support this event, we are in need of unopened, unexpired dry dog food to give out! Drop off at the shelter any day before Feb. 15, or you can purchase food off of our pet pantry list on Amazon and have it shipped to us. CLICK HERE to see our wishlist!